27 February 2017 – 3DSPEC project was presented during workshops on design and use of 3D printers organized for pupils from Zespół Placówek Szkolno-Wychowawczo-Rewalidacyjnych (School, education and revalidation institutions complex). Place: PCKZiU, Wodzisław Śląski, Poland.
During the workshops participants were provided with information how 3D printing works and how to design for 3D printing, and experienced hands-on design of objects for 3D printing and their 3D printing. They also tried didactic aids 3D printed by pupils from PCKZiU.
Visit of pupils from ZPSWR was the first within cycle for meetings with technique planned to be held in PCKZiU.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/pckziuwodzislawslaski/posts/1291934550845852
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