Our project is still in the game! We received a distinction in the SELFIE + competition organized by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System National Agency of the Erasmus + Program - in the category "Your project in one shot". 

List of laureates - https://selfieplus.frse.org.pl/laureaci-2020/

The selfie + platform is a place created especially for the beneficiaries of the programs: Erasmus +, PO WER, the European Solidarity Corps, the Polish-Lithuanian Youth Exchange Fund and the Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council, serving to present project activities carried out with the support of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System. 


The competition winners were presented during the National Information Day of the National Agency of the Erasmus + Program and the European Solidarity Corps - more information here  https://www.frse.org.pl/aktualnosci/dzien-informacyjny-frse-2021-relacja